2020年代を代表するオリジナルアニメ作品を創出する「Project ANIMA」。
旅の途中のコロニーで出会う不良少年集団のリーダー・ユーリ役には、Project ANIMA原案募集段階からアンバサダーとして企画参加していた豊永利行さんが決定しました。
Main cast revealed!
“Project ANIMA”, an original anime series for the 2020s.
The main cast of SAKUGAN, the first anime series by SATELIGHT, was unveiled today.
SAKUGAN is a mecha-action adventure in which a girl genius and her good-for-nothing father work as a father-daughter team in the “Colonies”, underground worlds packed out with the towns and cities of the world, and the “Labyrinth” controlled by the dangerous Kaiju.
In December 2019, public auditions were held to find an actor to voice the main character, girl-genius Memempu, and newcomer Amane Kanon, a university student, came through to take this prize role.
We can now reveal that the other main character, Gagumber, Memempu’s father, will be played by Touchi Hiroki; Zackletu, the mysterious woman who follows the father-daughter team, will be played by Hanazawa Kana; and Yuri, the leader of band of delinquent boys who they encounter in a colony on their journey by Toyonaga Toshiyuki, who has been involved in Project ANIMA as an ambassador since the writing competition stage.
Along with the main cast, we can show you the animated character designs by Mochizuki Shunpei.
SAKUGAN is in production right now and the aim is to air in the autumn of 2021.
“Project ANIMA”旨在创作出代表2020年代的原创动画作品。
根据此次公开的声优名单,另一位主角,也就是梅梅普的父亲刚刚爸将由东地宏树配音,追逐着他们的神秘女子扎卡雷图由花泽香菜配音,在旅途中的圈落里遇到的不良少年集团头目尤里,则由Project ANIMA开始征集投稿时就以大使的身份参与这一企划的丰永利行配音。